NBA Beef D-Wade Vs. Kevin Durrant edition

NBA Beef D-Wade Vs. Kevin Durrant edition

Kevin Durant blasts Dwyane Wade’s skills; Twitter and teammates react.

The delicious drama, tension and intrigue of the NBA is already in midseason form — even though we are still a week away from the beginning of training camp.

Professional basketball pierced through the crowded sports consciousness, that’s mostly dominated by the beginning of the NFL season and the end of Major League Baseball’s regular season, when Kevin Durant kicked up a lot of dust in Dwyane Wade’s face by proclaiming D-Wade doesn’t belong in the list of the Top 10 players in the National Basketball Association.

Durant, a three-time scoring champ with the Oklahoma City Thunder, was responding to Sports Illustrated’s list of the best players in the NBA in 2013. Durant was listed second, behind LeBron James, of course, with three-time champion D-Wade listed as the 8th best player. Durant was insulted that former teammate James Hardin, now a superstar with the Houston Rockets, was listed outside the Top 10 (at #11).

When Durant was asked who should Hardin replace in the Top 10, he said Wade.

And the fireworks began on social media, with both proud superstars trading blows on mostly Instagram and Twitter.

D-Wade tweeted “Don’t believe me just watch” Kevin Durrant blasted back tweeting, “show me don’t tweet me”

Things are getting interesting and adding to the excitement of the impending season for sure.


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